Michael Koziarski
action mailer can't deliver mail via smtp on ruby 1.9.1was updated by Michael KoziarskiTuesday Jun 09
ticket -
add :new_if_blank option to fields_for for nested associations was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:20 AM ticket
Default scope with :conditions => "a string" was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:17 AM ticket
fields_for nested fubars index was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:16 AM ticket
[PATCH] ActionController::Integration::Session no longer mangles multiparameter attribute params when processing multipart requests was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:15 AM ticket
PostgreSQL adapter: quote_string is not thread safewas updated by Michael Koziarski 09:13 AM ticket -
Modules including ActionView::Helpers fail to load due to JavaScript vs Javascript typowas updated by Michael Koziarski 09:12 AM ticket -
AssociationCollection#destroy should only delete join table records was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:06 AM ticket
Rollup: Fix issues with 2.3.2 gem loaderwas updated by Michael Koziarski 08:58 AM ticket -
PostgreSQL Adapter Breaks on Complex 'Order By' Clauses was updated by Michael Koziarski 08:45 AM ticket