Michael Koziarski
Rollup: Fix issues with 2.3.2 gem loaderwas updated by Michael KoziarskiTuesday Jun 09
ticket -
polymorphic_url assumes a record is providedwas updated by Michael Koziarski 09:44 AM ticket -
Routing: 2.3 provides no way to require a :format was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:43 AM ticket
Multiparameter attributes should be set to nil when positional parameters are missing was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:42 AM ticket
polymorphic_url should allow a symbol in place of a record was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:40 AM ticket
text_area_tag sanitize_to_idwas updated by Michael Koziarski 09:37 AM ticket -
has_one with :foreign_key & :primary_key bug was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:35 AM ticket
Patch to add index length support was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:33 AM ticket
Scaffold generator not working well with namespaced resources was updated by Michael Koziarski 09:31 AM ticket
f.radio_button ignores parent fields_for's :index optionwas updated by Michael Koziarski 09:30 AM ticket