Ryan Bigg
allow_forgery_protection is false even in development environment by defaultwas updated by Ryan BiggMonday Nov 08
ticket -
ActiveRecord 3 eager loading failwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket - Rails 3.0.0 creates directories in --pretend mode [ minor bug ] was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket
- render_to_string :template before normal render causes assert_template failures was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket
ActionView::Base.default_form_builderwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket - params in functional tests not sent to controller encoded was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket
Replacing ActiveRecord::Validations with Validatablewas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket - to_xml doesn't work in such case: Event.select('title as t').to_xml was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket
Adding records to a has_many collection does not work on initializationwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket - ActiveResource::Base.save (PUT) doesn't clear out errors was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:49 AM ticket