Ryan Bigg
incompatible character encodings: UTF-8 and ASCII-8BIT for Rails 3was updated by Ryan BiggSunday Apr 11
ticket - assert_redirected_to is too strict was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:55 PM ticket
- Date values are not properly escaped in SQL output was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:50 PM ticket
- corelib.rubyonrails.org is the doc for ruby 1.8.4 was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:48 PM ticket
- ActiveResource should use to_param to generate routes was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:46 PM ticket
- ActiveResource should use to_param to generate routes was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:46 PM ticket
undefined method `server_name' for #<ActionController::TestRequestwas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:38 PM ticket -
Calling 'last' on a has_many assoication where the order is specified as a symbol raises an errorwas updated by Ryan Bigg 09:54 PM ticket -
Absolute file-path in windows get leading './'was updated by Ryan Bigg 09:35 PM ticket -
ActionView::Helpers::DateHelper problem in rails 2.2was updated by Ryan Bigg 09:35 PM ticket