Lawrence Pit
i18n_reload_rails3.diff was uploaded by Lawrence Pit
Thursday Jun 10
file - ActiveSupport #to_json doesn't work with DM was updated by Lawrence Pit 12:28 PM ticket
Raising IpSpoofAttackError should result in a 403 Forbidden instead of 500 Internal Server Error
was updated by Lawrence Pit
Tuesday Jun 08
ticket - HABTM: ability to link and unlink records with :autosave => true was updated by Lawrence Pit 05:24 AM ticket
- Raising IpSpoofAttackError should result in a 403 Forbidden instead of 500 Internal Server Error was updated by Lawrence Pit 05:21 AM ticket
- Fail asap in case of IP spoofing detection. was updated by Lawrence Pit 05:21 AM ticket
- Cache increment/decrement with initialization when missing value was updated by Lawrence Pit 05:19 AM ticket
Fail asap in case of IP spoofing dete...
was created by Lawrence Pit
Thursday Jun 03
ticket - Raising IpSpoofAttackError should re... was created by Lawrence Pit 05:24 AM ticket
Rails 2.3.8: Hash#deep_merge fails for HashWithIndifferentAccess
was updated by Lawrence Pit
Monday May 31