Alex MacCaw
fieldWithErrors shouldn't use a div was updated by Alex MacCaw
Wednesday Dec 24
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fieldWithErrors shouldn't use a div was created by Alex MacCaw 09:39 AM ticket
Add Hg (Mercurial) support to script/plugin was updated by Alex MacCaw
Thursday Nov 20
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Bug: InvalidAuthenticityToken incorrectly raised for XML controller#destroy request was updated by Alex MacCaw
Sunday Nov 02
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past? and future? methods for easier Date/Time comparisons was updated by Alex MacCaw
Wednesday Jul 30
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activesupport's to_xml shouldn't modify options hash was updated by Alex MacCaw
Tuesday Jul 22
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Mongrel should be the default server,... was created by Alex MacCaw
Saturday Jul 19
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validates_uniqueness_of does not escape column names was updated by Alex MacCaw
Monday Jul 14
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validates_uniqueness_of does not escape column names was updated by Alex MacCaw 01:53 PM ticket
[PATCH] Fix SQLite's db creation warnings was updated by Alex MacCaw 11:37 AM ticket