ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
has_many :through associations are created with .create! even if the parent is created with .create was updated by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
Tuesday Mar 29
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Support for nested has_many :through associations was updated by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
Monday May 03
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Support for nested has_many :through associations was updated by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp) 03:40 PM ticket
content_tag should accept block using variable was updated by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
Friday Jun 27
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content_tag should accept block using... was created by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
Thursday Jun 26
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has_many :conditions and named_scope should alter creates from within it was updated by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
Wednesday Jun 18
ticket -
Date.at_end_of_week is unpredictable was created by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)
Sunday Jun 15
ticket -
has_many :conditions and named_scope ... was created by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp) 02:47 AM ticket