Raul Murciano
scaffold generator upgraded to use responder and i18n was updated by Raul Murciano
Monday Feb 08
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counter_cache not updated when an item updates its polymorphic owner was updated by Raul Murciano
Saturday May 30
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[PATCH] I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific locale was updated by Raul Murciano
Tuesday May 12
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counter_cache not updated when an ite... was created by Raul Murciano
Wednesday Apr 08
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Patch to add index length support was updated by Raul Murciano
Thursday Feb 05
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Array#to_xml accepts :root_attrs was updated by Raul Murciano
Saturday Nov 08
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generators broken in rails > 2.1.1 was updated by Raul Murciano
Friday Oct 24
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generators broken in rails > 2.1.1 was updated by Raul Murciano 07:23 PM ticket
generators broken in rails > 2.1.1 was updated by Raul Murciano 07:12 PM ticket
Patch to allow 'rake db:migrate:redo' to accept VERSION to target that migration was updated by Raul Murciano
Wednesday Sep 17