Niels Ganser
ruby19 incompatibility: ActiveResource::Connection#http, use_ssl? was updated by Niels Ganser
Thursday Jul 16
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use of undocumented (?) Net::HTTP method breaks 2.3 on Ruby 1.9.1 was updated by Niels Ganser 11:48 AM ticket
Ruby 1.9 compat: plugin/install git://... always fails in Ruby 1.9 was updated by Niels Ganser 10:34 AM ticket
Rails tests fail in Ruby 1.9.1 was updated by Niels Ganser
Friday Mar 06
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humanize and human_name don't separate words was updated by Niels Ganser 02:09 PM ticket
Form label should use I18n was updated by Niels Ganser 02:04 PM ticket
Form label should use I18n was updated by Niels Ganser
Thursday Mar 05
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FormHelper#label ignores translated attributes was updated by Niels Ganser 09:18 PM ticket
Teach ActiveSupport::Memoizable about... was created by Niels Ganser 06:48 PM ticket
flash.use should return values which it marked as (un)used was updated by Niels Ganser
Friday Jan 23