Nick Quaranto
integration test fails on complex forms updating multiple models was updated by Nick Quaranto
Saturday Jul 17
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Bring the Gemfile into 2010 was updated by Nick Quaranto
Thursday Feb 04
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Bring the Gemfile into 2010 was created by Nick Quaranto 05:41 AM ticket
deprecate fails on methods ending with equal sign was updated by Nick Quaranto
Sunday Aug 09
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helper caching issue was updated by Nick Quaranto
Saturday Aug 08
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Added previous_changes to ActiveRecord::Dirty was updated by Nick Quaranto 11:19 PM ticket
Rails 2.3.x - "render :text => proc" - problems with output buffer was updated by Nick Quaranto 11:15 PM ticket
ActiveResource errors.from_xml Can't handle symboled attribute keys because of humanize call was updated by Nick Quaranto 10:18 PM ticket
tag_options should properly handle arrays was updated by Nick Quaranto 10:12 PM ticket
tag_options should properly handle arrays was updated by Nick Quaranto 10:05 PM ticket