Francesc Esplugas
Prioritize application i18n above engine i18n was updated by Francesc Esplugas
Tuesday Dec 08
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Metal names conflict with models was updated by Francesc Esplugas
Monday Sep 14
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Plugin routes override application routes was updated by Francesc Esplugas
Sunday Sep 13
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humanize and human_name don't separate wordswas updated by Francesc Esplugas 06:55 PM ticket -
drop_table shouldn't care was updated by Francesc Esplugas
Thursday Jul 09
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I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific localewas updated by Francesc Esplugas 08:03 AM ticket -
i18n support for Engines was updated by Francesc Esplugas 12:01 AM ticket
Let engines ship their own initializers? was updated by Francesc Esplugas
Wednesday Jul 08
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I18n, look up a translation with the default locale when it's missed with another specific localewas updated by Francesc Esplugas 11:42 PM ticket -
Let engines ship their own initializers? was updated by Francesc Esplugas 04:41 PM ticket