Santiago Pastorino
reset_session broken in rails 2.3.8 when using ActiveRecordStore for sessionswas updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday Feb 02
ticket -
ActiveResource should use Rails time zone support instead of forcing UTCwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket - helper :all behaviour doesn't respect the current controller was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket
- compatibllity bug with mysql-essential-5.1.50-win32.msi was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket
Inconsistent order of columns in SQL WHERE clause in dynamic finders and scopeswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket -
Problem with test environment. Mail is not a module.was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket - reset_session broken in rails 2.3.8 when using ActiveRecordStore for sessions was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket
helper :all behaviour doesn't respect the current controllerwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket - Problem with test environment. Mail is not a module. was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket
TestRequest contains value for "action" in query_parameterswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:01 PM ticket