Santiago Pastorino
Erubis template parsing error on invalid match for variable name containing "do"
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Sunday May 16
ticket - Added missing require, we are using here the bind method defined on active_support/core_ext/proc was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:16 AM ticket
- Test suite is using assert many times when should be used assert_equal was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:12 AM ticket
- Thousands of errors on AR with ruby-s... was created by Santiago Pastorino 06:00 AM ticket
- Test suite is using assert many times when should be used assert_equal was updated by Santiago Pastorino 05:37 AM ticket
- Test suite is using assert many times... was created by Santiago Pastorino 05:33 AM ticket
- Two errors in the railties test suite in rails master on ruby 1.9.2-head was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:40 AM ticket
- Added missing require, we are using here the bind method defined on active_support/core_ext/proc was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:08 AM ticket
- Added missing require, we are using h... was created by Santiago Pastorino 03:07 AM ticket
- number_to_currency fails with "NoMethodError: undefined method `>=' for nil:NilClass" was updated by Santiago Pastorino 02:09 AM ticket