Santiago Pastorino
Rails 3.0.0, 'yield' won't show block contents in render :layout, if it is placed after render :partial
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Thursday Feb 03
ticket - Remove remaining references to script/plugin sources was updated by Santiago Pastorino 02:33 AM ticket
[PATCH] Allow ActiveModel attribute names with spaces and other characters
was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Wednesday Feb 02
ticket - schema_migrations already exists error on db:migrate with two-database app was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:45 PM ticket
- The rake tasks db:create and db:drop throws an error when the database.yml file is configured in a non default location. was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:45 PM ticket
- ActiveRelation "offset().empty?" produces unexpected result was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:43 PM ticket
- change_column carries over default when it can't be carried was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:42 PM ticket
- Protocol-relative URLs was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:35 PM ticket
- ActiveModel Naming should take care of anonymous classes was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:33 PM ticket
- Class Attribute setter method doesn't return set value was updated by Santiago Pastorino 08:32 PM ticket