Santiago Pastorino
Adding Rubinius compiled files to gitignore was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Monday Mar 14
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generator test failure: undefined method 'parents' was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Sunday Mar 13
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length validation for integer (fixnum) fieldswas updated by Santiago PastorinoSaturday Mar 12
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length validation for integer (fixnum) fieldswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 11:12 PM ticket -
[Patch] Failing Test in Railties was updated by Santiago Pastorino 04:10 PM ticket
length validation for integer (fixnum) fields was updated by Santiago Pastorino 03:33 AM ticket
HABTM join tables cleared on destroy even if a before_destroy says don't was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Friday Mar 11
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ActiveRecord fails with both non ASCII string and binary on SQLite3Adapter was updated by Santiago Pastorino 02:25 PM ticket
Alias for escape_javascript was updated by Santiago Pastorino 01:03 AM ticket
update_all ignores conditions, when :orders and :limit options are supplied was updated by Santiago Pastorino
Thursday Mar 10