Santiago Pastorino
BlankSlate.reveal(name) doesn't work with blockswas updated by Santiago PastorinoWednesday Feb 02
ticket - BlankSlate.reveal(name) doesn't work with blocks was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket
- Rails::Rack::Static no longer seeing page cached files when page cache directory is moved was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket
Make script/server use a different pid file for each port.was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket -
Gem.path is undefined when rack1.9.1 gems:unpackwas updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket -
AchtionMailer Multipart w/ Attachment issueswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket -
Problem with XSS escape in select_* (eg: select_month) helperswas updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket - with_scope and :group option fails for PostgreSQL was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket
- AchtionMailer Multipart w/ Attachment issues was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:17 PM ticket
- [Patch] Correctly handle instance_eval in association proxies was updated by Santiago Pastorino 06:16 PM ticket