Valentin Mihov
batches: :conditions for each are applied to each Model.find within the each loop was updated by Valentin Mihov
Friday Sep 11
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ActiveRecord::Base.find_in_batches puts a with_scope into the block that is executed was updated by Valentin Mihov
Tuesday Sep 08
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ActiveRecord::Base.find_in_batches puts a with_scope into the block that is executed was updated by Valentin Mihov
Wednesday Aug 19
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ActiveRecord::Base.find_in_batches puts a with_scope into the block that is executed was updated by Valentin Mihov
Thursday Jun 11
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ActiveRecord::Base.find_in_batches puts a with_scope into the block that is executed was updated by Valentin Mihov 03:34 PM ticket
ActiveRecord::Base.find_in_batches pu... was created by Valentin Mihov 03:32 PM ticket
Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by Valentin Mihov
Tuesday May 26
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Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by Valentin Mihov 03:19 PM ticket
Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by Valentin Mihov 02:25 PM ticket
Model updates not working correctly when used in a migration and a table with inheritance was updated by Valentin Mihov 01:46 PM ticket