Mike Enriquez
.:format feature breaks URL compliance (rfc1738) - should be optional was updated by Mike Enriquez
Monday Sep 28
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should be able to truncate a multibyte string to a max # of bytes was updated by Mike Enriquez
Sunday Sep 27
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ActiveSupport lacks beginning_of_hour was updated by Mike Enriquez 09:06 PM ticket
[PATCH] form_for for new objects with :index set was updated by Mike Enriquez 08:26 PM ticket
[PATCH] Allow PKG_NAME env variable to control the directory name used when 'rake dev' is used to generate a new rails app. was updated by Mike Enriquez 08:09 PM ticket
[PATCH] Allow PKG_NAME env variable to control the directory name used when 'rake dev' is used to generate a new rails app. was updated by Mike Enriquez 08:07 PM ticket
[PATCH] Ignorable codes(call super twice) in MemCacheStore was updated by Mike Enriquez 07:49 PM ticket
rewrite_asset_path should respect already existing query strings was updated by Mike Enriquez 07:02 PM ticket
[PATCH] ActionController::Integration::Session no longer mangles multiparameter attribute params when processing multipart requests was updated by Mike Enriquez
Sunday May 10