Alternative to validates_uniqueness_of using db constraints was updated by JasonKing
Friday Apr 30
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Make utf8 partial rendering from within a content_for work in ruby1.9 was updated by JasonKing
Friday Mar 12
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rubygems loaded twice was updated by JasonKing
Tuesday Feb 09
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rubygems loaded twice was updated by JasonKing 07:39 PM ticket
rubygems loaded twice was updated by JasonKing 07:38 PM ticket
rubygems loaded twice was updated by JasonKing 07:34 PM ticket
Alternative to validates_uniqueness_of using db constraints was updated by JasonKing
Thursday Nov 19
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[Patch] Raise specific exceptions for violated database constraintswas updated by JasonKing 06:26 PM ticket -
Alternative to validates_uniqueness_of using db constraints was updated by JasonKing 06:21 PM ticket
[PATCH] form_for for new objects with :index set was updated by JasonKing
Friday Sep 18