Rails 3.0.3 --skip-test-unit not working correctly. was updated by xds2000
Sunday Feb 20
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Rails 3.0.3 --skip-test-unit not working correctly. was updated by xds2000 04:09 PM ticket
Build model from association with conditions was updated by xds2000
Tuesday Sep 14
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Build model from association with conditions was updated by xds2000 11:32 AM ticket
Rails3 (with Ruby 1.9.1) problem when sorting a list was updated by xds2000
Sunday Sep 12
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[PATCH] Add weeks_ago helper was updated by xds2000
Saturday Aug 14
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[PATCH] Add weeks_ago helper was updated by xds2000 11:34 AM ticket
Remove unnecessary meta programming from polymorphic_routes.rb was updated by xds2000
Thursday May 20
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Cant start rails server - rails3 was updated by xds2000
Thursday Feb 25