Gabriel Sobrinho
[Patch] Rails schema_format :sql should behave like schema_format :ruby
was updated by Gabriel Sobrinho
Monday Jan 24
ticket -
Rename utf8 to _utf8 (old snowman)
was created by Gabriel Sobrinho
Thursday Aug 12
ticket -
Segfault with Ruby 1.9.1 and Rails 3....
was created by Gabriel Sobrinho
Friday Apr 02
ticket -
2.3.2 text_area_tag doesn't sanitize the id attribute
was updated by Gabriel Sobrinho
Thursday Apr 30
ticket - 2.3.2 text_area_tag calling stringify... was created by Gabriel Sobrinho 07:59 PM ticket
- 2.3.2 text_area_tag doesn't sanitize ... was created by Gabriel Sobrinho 07:52 PM ticket