David Trasbo
Calling a model "Update" leads to unexpected behavior was updated by David Trasbo
Sunday Oct 10
ticket -
bundle install: <internal:gem_prelude>:344:in `method_missing': undefined method `user_home' for Gem:Module (NoMethodError)was updated by David Trasbo 04:05 PM ticket -
Hash.from_xml fieldnames uncamelizingwas updated by David Trasbo 03:57 PM ticket -
text_field helper escaping html_safe content in options hashwas updated by David Trasbo 03:14 PM ticket -
Having Rails 2.3pre or Rack 1.1 installed breaks Rails 2.xwas updated by David Trasbo 03:10 PM ticket -
Space in path breaks `gem bundle`was updated by David Trasbo 02:55 PM ticket -
Rails 3 Session Cookies and Render Calls was updated by David Trasbo 02:44 PM ticket
Rails3 RC - Schema.rb file does not contain all indexes created with migration in postgresql (postgres)was updated by David Trasbo 02:16 PM ticket -
AR::Relation#cache_keywas updated by David TrasboSaturday Oct 09
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db tasks do not work with jdbcpostgresql was updated by David Trasbo 08:14 PM ticket