Tanel Suurhans
default_scope can't take procswas updated by Tanel SuurhansWednesday Nov 24
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default_scope can't take procs was updated by Tanel Suurhans 08:35 AM ticket
Rails3 (with Ruby 1.9.1) problem when sorting a listwas updated by Tanel SuurhansSunday Sep 12
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link_to route with method was updated by Tanel Suurhans
Thursday May 06
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Allow find_in_batches to use :order, :limit, and :offset was updated by Tanel Suurhans
Wednesday May 05
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ActionView::PathSet .exists? fails due to nil array was updated by Tanel Suurhans
Friday Apr 30
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find_or_create_by_foo when foo is protected attribute was updated by Tanel Suurhans 10:04 PM ticket
attribute_type is not set to null if :dependent => :nullify is specified for a polymorphic belongs_to association was updated by Tanel Suurhans 04:17 PM ticket
attribute_type is not set to null if :dependent => :nullify is specified for a polymorphic belongs_to association was updated by Tanel Suurhans 02:17 PM ticket
attribute_type is not set to null if :dependent => :nullify is specified for a polymorphic belongs_to association was updated by Tanel Suurhans 02:08 PM ticket