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FormTagHelper generates illegal html if name contains e.g. square brackets
Reported by Vladimir Dobriakov | October 20th, 2008 @ 04:32 PM | in 2.x
ActionView::Helpers::FormHelper works perfectly and uses sanitized_object_name() to create the html element id. In contrast, the ActionView::Helpers::InstanceTag methods, e.g. text_field_tag simply pass the name parameter as an id to the tag method, creating invalid html for a valid name parameter:
tag :input, { "type" => "text", "name" => name, "id" => name, ...
According to the documentation of ActionView::Helpers::FormTagHelper#text_field_tag 'name' is expected as parameter. If I provide a legal name, e.g. 'widget[existing_archive_attributes][-1][filename]' an illegal html is created. The id attribute with square brackets is not allowed.
To fix the problem following methods in the FormTagHelper should be adjusted: select_tag, text_field_tag, label_tag, check_box_tag. For example, as follows:
def select_tag(name, option_tags = nil, options = {})
content_tag :select, option_tags, { "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name) }.update(options.stringify_keys)
def text_field_tag(name, value = nil, options = {})
tag :input, { "type" => "text", "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name), "value" => value }.update(options.stringify_keys)
# hidden_field_tag is based on text_field_tag so no patching needed
def label_tag(name, text = nil, options = {})
content_tag :label, text || name.humanize, { "for" => sanitize_to_id(name) }.update(options.stringify_keys)
def check_box_tag(name, value = "1", checked = false, options = {})
html_options = { "type" => "checkbox", "name" => name, "id" => sanitize_to_id(name), "value" => value }.update(options.stringify_keys)
html_options["checked"] = "checked" if checked
tag :input, html_options
def sanitize_to_id(name)
name.to_s.gsub(/[^-a-zA-Z0-9:.]/, "_").sub(/_$/, "")
Comments and changes to this ticket
Vladimir Dobriakov November 4th, 2008 @ 01:32 PM
- Tag changed from actionview, helper to actionview, helper, patch
Repository November 4th, 2008 @ 05:25 PM
- State changed from new to committed
(from [5fad229e43e2b2541ed39c6ef571975176e6a8d2]) Fixed that FormTagHelper generates illegal html if name contains e.g. square brackets [#1238 state:committed]
Signed-off-by: David Heinemeier Hansson
Ken Collins February 12th, 2009 @ 08:35 PM
After upgrading to rails 1.2.6 to 2.2, this broke a lot of my manual hidden form tags where I had [] in the IDs. :(
Vladimir Dobriakov February 16th, 2009 @ 07:53 AM
This fix only changes the way the ids are automatically calculated. Now they are created according to the HTML 4.01 specification. If you manually provide a name and an id to the hidden_field_tag, then attributes provided by you will be used.
BTW, brackets are not allowed in the id:
ID and NAME tokens must begin with a letter ([A-Za-z]) and may be followed by any number of letters, digits ([0-9]), hyphens ("-"), underscores ("_), colons (), and periods (".").
Ken Collins April 15th, 2009 @ 09:16 PM
Until this is fixed, it's best to pass in the :id HTML option. For instance
select_tag 'note[to_group_id]', select_options, :id => 'user_groups_select'... select_tag 'parameters[foobar]', options_for_select(...), :id => 'foobar_select'...
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1238 FormTagHelper generates illegal html if name contains e.g. square brackets (from [5fad229e43e2b2541ed39c6ef571975176e6a8d2]) Fixed t...