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#1263 ✓invalid
ronin-35527 (at lighthouseapp)

#put method does not respect sessions in functional tests

Reported by ronin-35527 (at lighthouseapp) | October 24th, 2008 @ 10:23 AM | in 2.x

In my functional tests I'm testing two actions in two different controllers. The first action "save" in the SettingsController is tested like this:

login_as :quentin
put :save, {}, :settings => [{:id => settings(:site_name).id, :value => "Hello world"}]
assert_redirected_to :controller => "settings", :action => "index"

The #login_as helper method looks like this:

def login_as(user)
  @request.session[:user_id] = user ? users(user).id : nil

It assigns a session variable to the request. My other action "update" in the PagesController is also tested like above, using the #put method that makes a new PUT request. But the two tests fails and the failure message is similar to this:

expected a redirect to <{"action"=>"index", "controller"=>"settings"}>, found one to <{"action"=>"ne
w", "controller"=>"sessions"}>, a difference of <{"action"=>"new", "controller"=>"sessions"}>

What this actually means is, that there is no "user_id" session variable which must mean that #put doesn't respect sessions. Can anyone confirm this?

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