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render_to_string doesn't use :locals option
Reported by barunio | December 7th, 2008 @ 03:35 AM | in 2.x
The Rails API says of render_to_string "Renders according to the same rules as render, but returns the result in a string instead of sending it as the response body to the browser. "
But this isn't so -- it doesn't use the same rules as render because render accepts the :locals variable, but render_to_string ignores it.
Is there a reason why render_to_string doesn't allow locals or is this an oversight/ bug?
Comments and changes to this ticket
Frederick Cheung December 7th, 2008 @ 12:59 PM
- State changed from new to invalid
I just did a quick experiment and this seemed to work ok (on 2.2.2) . Can you construct a failing test/example to show exactly how it isn't working for you?
barunio December 10th, 2008 @ 09:41 PM
i thought maybe there was a change in rails 2.2 that would have made this work, but i just updated to 2.2.2 and this is still not working for me. here is some very simple code to demonstrate:
I have a ReportsController, with an view in the views/reports/ folder called "show.xml.builder"
In my controller:
x = render_to_string(:action => 'reports/show.xml.builder', :locals => {:blah => 'hi'})
In the view:
puts blah
I get a "undefined local variable or method
blah'" error (because the local variable is never defined for the view).
barunio December 17th, 2008 @ 07:46 AM
actually, locals is accepted when rendering a template as well as a partial - but not for rendering an action, apparently. as reference, from the api docs:
Renders the template with a local variable
render :template => "weblog/show", :locals => {:customer =>}
i did get render_to_string working with local variables when i render a template, which is fine for my needs. not sure what the logic is behind allowing locals for rendering a template but not an action...
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