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#1681 ✓wontfix
Ryan Angilly

Option to stop event bubbling on link_to_remote and friends

Reported by Ryan Angilly | January 1st, 2009 @ 07:10 PM | in 2.x

Hey guys,

Does anyone else run into a situation where you want to stop event bubbling on a link_to_remote, so you have to do:

link_to_remote('linky', {:before => 'Event.extend(event).stop()', :update => 'div_id'})

Can we just get add a stop option so that:

link_to_remote('linky', {:url => '/action', :update => 'div_id', :stop => true})

I do it all the time. The second one looks nicer. Saves typing. Tiny patch.

Thanks! Ryan

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