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#492 ✓wontfix
ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)

content_tag should accept block using variable

Reported by ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp) | June 26th, 2008 @ 02:40 PM

When using content_tag inside of a helper method, there is not currently a nice way of returning strings that contain more than one variable.


content_tag(:p) do
string_one = fetch_value
string_two = fetch_value(2)
string_three = another_value
string_one + string_two + string_three
# or even [string_one, string_two, string_three].join

Code could be cleaner if you used the following approach, which I believe is also used in form_for.

content_tag(:p) do |content|
content << fetch_value
content << fetch_value(2)
content << another_value

Comments and changes to this ticket

  • wildchild

    wildchild June 26th, 2008 @ 03:08 PM

    Nice proposal! Where is a patch?

  • ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp)

    ronin-23439 (at lighthouseapp) June 27th, 2008 @ 04:33 AM

    I would have submitted one but I'm not sure how to do it without breaking compatibility with the standard use in the view.

  • Clemens Kofler

    Clemens Kofler June 30th, 2008 @ 09:15 PM

    I don't like this idea at all. If you feel that you have to do something complex like modifying the output multiple times, you should consider refactoring it out into a helper method.

  • Glenn Powell

    Glenn Powell August 10th, 2008 @ 09:04 AM

    Clemens, I don't really understand what the problem is with this proposal. I don't see why this:

    content_tag(:p) do |content|
      content << fetch_value
      content << fetch_value(2)
      content << another_value

    would be any worse than what you have to do now which is:

    content_tag(:p) do
      content = ""
      content << fetch_value
      content << fetch_value(2)
      content << another_value

    And I believe the point was that this whole call should in fact be in a helper method, as stated in the original post, but that it would be nicer to have the content variable passed to the content_tag block.

  • Clemens Kofler

    Clemens Kofler August 10th, 2008 @ 01:24 PM

    Glenn, I see your point but I still think the only way to keep it really clean is a helper method - and while I do care about style in the helper, I don't care that much that the two examples you gave would really make a difference for me. I didn't like the whole "view helpers now accept blocks" thing in the first place because IMO it clutters up the view (like when you use the block style with link_to), so I may be biased here ...

  • Tom Lea

    Tom Lea August 13th, 2008 @ 02:20 PM

    • Tag changed from content_tag, enhancement, helper, view to content_tag, enhancement, helper, patch, view

    What about...

    content_tag(:p) do
      returning("") do |content|
        content << fetch_value
        content << fetch_value(2)
        content << another_value
 a middle ground?

    Either way, I've attached a patch to do what you describe... but I don't think it's quite what's needed yet.


    content += "fish" will simply loose the initial object reference. This would be a bit of a suprise for some users.


    Use a subclass of String that aliases += to << or similar.


    Allow something as follows:

    content_tag(:div) do |div|
      my_text.each_line do |line|
        div.content_tag(:p, line)

    but if we allow this, we would also want to allow:

    content_tag(:div) do |div|
      div.form_for(:magic) do |f|

    So we would end up having to proxy calls to all helpers... eugh!

  • DHH

    DHH November 16th, 2008 @ 09:06 PM

    • State changed from “new” to “wontfix”

    I think this is probably too clever for its own good when it has to work in the view too.

  • klkk

    klkk May 23rd, 2011 @ 03:09 AM

    • Importance changed from “” to “”

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