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reset_session Doesn't Result In New Session Id Being Applied Via Set-Cookie
Reported by Matt Bauer | December 19th, 2008 @ 05:49 AM
After calling reset_session in a controller the session is properly reset and set to nil. However, the session cookie value isn't updated and as a result, a subsequent request from the browser sends the old session id. This results in the old session being retrieved and appearing as if reset_session didn't work. Prior to the recent Rack integration the following was observed:
A request to a session destroy action that called reset_session would send a cookie like:
Cookie _pas_session=BAh7CjoQX2N...
and Rails would respond with a Set-Cookie header like:
Set-Cookie _pas_session=BAh7BiIKZmx...
After the Rack integration of late, this has changed to:
A request to a session destroy action that called reset_session would send a cookie like:
Cookie _pas_session=BAh7CjoQX2N...
and now Rails doesn't respond with a Set-Cookie header. Again, this results in the browser resending the old cookie on the subsequent request.
Comments and changes to this ticket
josh December 19th, 2008 @ 05:57 AM
- Milestone cleared.
- State changed from new to open
Definitely something I need to address.
You are running Edge, right? Lots of rack session changes went in very recently.
Also, if you can come up with a fix, can you try to put together a failing unit test.
Check out actionpack/test/controller/session/cookie_store
Matt Bauer December 19th, 2008 @ 06:01 AM
Yes, I'm currently running the very latest commit. I'm also in the process of working on cookie_store_test trying to recreate the bug. I'm hopeful I can get a patch together yet tonite. Shouldn't be a problem once I can create the failing test.
Matt Bauer December 19th, 2008 @ 08:06 AM
I had a little more time to investigate this. I wasn't able to create a test to recreate the behavior I'm seeing. I was able to debug it a bit more. I can get the proper behavior of:
Set-Cookie: session_key=1221362112abcd..
after a reset_session if I place something in the session after the call to reset_session. I thought it was the equals check of:
unless original_session == env[ENV_SESSION_KEY]
in cookie_store/activerecord_store but when I force this to fail and generate the cookie each time, the problem didn't go away. I'm not sure where else the cookie header is set.
I do know reset_session only works only if you place something in the new session.
josh December 19th, 2008 @ 04:30 PM
Ah, it doesn't want to write an empty session.
There are a few behaviors we want to preserve as well:
- Don't load or write a new session if the session hash is never accessed (lazy loading)
- Don't write the session cookie if it is the same as the original
- For DB stores, don't write the session object back to memcache or AR if the session has not changed
- Only write an empty session if the session existed at the beginning of the session, but now is empty. You deleted all the keys or you called reset_session
Matt Bauer December 20th, 2008 @ 06:52 PM
- Tag changed from rack, session to patch, rack, session
Added a reset! and reset? to SessionHash.
josh December 20th, 2008 @ 08:05 PM
Cool, I think this is on the right track but we can't assume @env['rack.session'] will respond to reset!. This should work with other Rack stores as well.
Could we just check?
if env[ENV_SESSION_KEY].loaded? && env[ENV_SESSION_KEY] != original_value
Looks like this will work, patching right now.
if !session_data.is_a?(AbstractStore::SessionHash) || session_data.send(:loaded?)
Repository December 20th, 2008 @ 08:38 PM
- State changed from open to resolved
(from [7b249b67e9df9f375eaad9e6eb41be73338faaa7]) Fix reset_session with lazy cookie stores [#1601 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: Joshua Peek
Yury Kotlyarov February 18th, 2009 @ 10:32 PM
doesn't work for me. in mongrel works after adding
session[:is_new] = true
but in passenger still restores old session.
solved by
headers['Set-Cookie'] = ''
after reset_session call
Duff OMelia February 19th, 2009 @ 03:23 PM
reset_session seems to be working perfectly for me using mongrel as well. In passenger though, I can't seem to logout of my site. I used git bisect and I'm able to logout perfectly fine in Passenger up until this commit:
I haven't yet determined what it is in that commit (or if it's something that Passenger needs to update or has already updated.) I'm using 2.06 of passenger which I think is the latest.
Mislav March 3rd, 2009 @ 02:28 PM
This seems to be a bug with Passenger: reset_session fails only with Passenger 2.0.6, not with Mongrel. Upgrading to edge Passenger solves the issue for me
Kip Cole March 9th, 2009 @ 02:29 AM
I think this is the same (or related) issue as cookie_store session object not being serialized if it is only written, not read in a request. This is the behaviour with Phusion 2.0.6.
The cookie is serialized properly in Mongrel with the same code.
As a workaround I add a before filter to the app to access the session object, which appears to then result in the correct serialization with Phusion.
This is on current edge rails.
Kip Cole March 9th, 2009 @ 03:23 AM
Hmm, i was incorrect. Adding the before_filter to access the session does not work around the Phusion issue.
Randy Schmidt March 9th, 2009 @ 03:52 AM
Is this flying under the radar because it's marked as resolved? I'm having the same issues as everybody above on rails 2.3.1. I'm still poking around so I don't have anything of value to add.
thedarkone March 9th, 2009 @ 02:41 PM
Pre 2.1 "Passengers" are not compatible with Rails 2.3.x.
"What’s new in 2.1.1? Support for Rails 2.3"
almightylinuxgod (at me) February 18th, 2011 @ 04:25 AM
- Importance changed from to
Just wondering if this resolution was in 3.0.4, or 3.0.5
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1601 reset_session Doesn't Result In New Session Id Being Applied Via Set-Cookie (from [7b249b67e9df9f375eaad9e6eb41be73338faaa7]) Fix res...
2173 Security: reset_session doesn't work under some conditions (session fixation possible) This bug is similiar to #1601.