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#2184 ✓resolved
Paweł Kondzior

Tempalte cache in development broken

Reported by Paweł Kondzior | March 9th, 2009 @ 07:32 PM | in 2.x

My application in development environment doesn't reload templates. I need to restart it after changes any changes in template.

I've bisected from edge to this commit, all before this commit works ok.

893e9eb99504705419ad6edac14d00e71cef5f12 is first bad commit
commit 893e9eb99504705419ad6edac14d00e71cef5f12
Author: Andrew White <>
Date:   Mon Feb 9 14:20:30 2009 -0600

    Improve view rendering performance in development mode and reinstate template recompiling in production [#1909 state:resolved]

    Signed-off-by: Joshua Peek <>

:040000 040000 be4ff1533dfb27616ee484acce2b4ae1a89d6029 51391ab30b2bab9fe14f98f84c20845718dec2e9 M  actionpack
:040000 040000 95bb2a437ddbcd6b9534bfb103772d285423c0fe 7cb70665188dd0a04f25ab82b5f0ff8e3b278082 M  railties

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