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ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map
Reported by Leigh Caplan | June 23rd, 2010 @ 03:39 AM | in 2.3.9
>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone['bogus']
=> nil
>> ActiveSupport::TimeZone.zones_map.key?('bogus')
=> true
This really bites you if the value ends up being stored, but ActiveSupport::TimeZone.all hasn't been called yet. In this case, ActiveSupport::TimeZone.zones_map.values gets sorted, and blows up because nil has no <=> defined.
This was never an issue before 49943a712080644969d1, because ZONES and US_ZONES were pre-loaded before any shenanigans of this sort could take place.
I've included a patch that should apply to both 2-3-stable and master. Note that this failure mode doesn't rear its head in master, as long as you're using a newer version of the tzinfo gem- trying to look up a nonexistent time zone will raise an error. That being said, if the tzinfo behavior changed tomrrow, Rails would again be vulnerable due to the way this code is written.
Comments and changes to this ticket
Rohit Arondekar June 23rd, 2010 @ 03:45 AM
- State changed from new to open
- Assigned user set to Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu)
Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) June 23rd, 2010 @ 04:40 PM
- State changed from open to incomplete
- Assigned user changed from Prem Sichanugrist (sikachu) to Santiago Pastorino
This patch does apply on
, but the test fails.I can see the code in
) that it will create the time zone if it's not exists in the mapping. I don't know that this is the intended behavior or not.I'm assigning this to Santiago Pastorino to have a look on this one.
By the way, in your opinion do you think it would be better for Rails to update the
gem to require at least 0.3.22 then? -
Leigh Caplan June 23rd, 2010 @ 06:36 PM
I've included a test that passes in master... I just stubbed out the lookup method to return nil, to ensure that we're not explicitly relying on the TZInfo to do the right thing. And I don't think that storing nil values in @zones_map is the intended behavior. If it is, then it was probably done without understanding how it can break other time zone functionality.
For a little background, our app had some calendar events with time zones which had been accidentally sanitized, so the ampersands were HTML encoded. The current TZInfo behavior is correct, and if it was included in Rails 2.3.8, an exception would've been raised as soon as we tried to use the bad time zone. Unfortunately, what actually happened was that some of our backends fielded these calendar event requests as soon as they started up, and nil values "poisoned" the @zones_map. The next time someone tried to draw a time zone menu, we got an exception while trying to sort @zones_map. As you can imagine, this was a really difficult issue to track down, and it required that we roll back to 2.3.5 until the problem was sorted out.
FWIW, I think it's a great idea to update the
dependency to 0.3.22, but only because it gives us the latest tzdata. I'm pretty sure this behavior is the same in 0.3.16. -
Repository June 28th, 2010 @ 06:40 PM
- Importance changed from to Low
(from [97a92a4cfddf819357ca09b4a91a5937b044e4d8]) test that unknown zones don't store mapping keys
Signed-off-by: Santiago Pastorino
Signed-off-by: José Valim -
Repository June 28th, 2010 @ 06:40 PM
- State changed from incomplete to committed
(from [b2633f9f9323f5d5eca1c2c94bb7ae88ad276cda]) Don't store incorrect values in zones_map
[#4942 state:committed]
Signed-off-by: José Valim -
Santiago Pastorino June 28th, 2010 @ 06:48 PM
- Milestone set to 2.3.9
- State changed from committed to open
I will push a backport in a couple of minutes
Santiago Pastorino June 28th, 2010 @ 07:33 PM
- Assigned user changed from Santiago Pastorino to José Valim
Repository June 28th, 2010 @ 09:26 PM
- State changed from open to committed
(from [70af7efa16fa429f7bbc3acfc1c587c8655edf7e]) Don't store incorrect values in zones_map backport
[#4942 state:committed]
Signed-off-by: José Valim -
Repository June 28th, 2010 @ 09:26 PM
(from [80473e035a166d270a204aedaf01c2b80415b8e4]) test that unknown zones don't store mapping keys
Signed-off-by: Santiago Pastorino
Signed-off-by: José Valim -
Leigh Caplan June 28th, 2010 @ 11:52 PM
Hey guys,
The 2.3 backport patch causes some additional unexpected behavior. It will never use the stored value in zones_map, and create a new TimeZone object each time #[] is invoked. Here's a patch to fix it.
Santiago Pastorino June 29th, 2010 @ 01:28 AM
Leigh your patch is ok but it's a performance improvement.
- if tz = lookup(arg) - zones_map[arg] ||= tz
From this code you're removing note the ||=, if zones_map[arg] have something it will be returned before the assignation to tz. But i agree we can check zones_map[arg] before to not do some unneded lookups.
So José that doesn't need a test, all the things we need to test are already tested.
Leigh Caplan June 29th, 2010 @ 01:53 AM
Here's a patch with both the lookup fix and a test. I couldn't think of any way other than mocking out the call to
seeing as object apparently doesn't get stored anywhere. If someone else has any better ideas, I'd be glad to hear them. -
Leigh Caplan June 29th, 2010 @ 01:54 AM
- Assigned user changed from José Valim to Santiago Pastorino
Santiago Pastorino June 29th, 2010 @ 02:21 AM
- Assigned user changed from Santiago Pastorino to José Valim
- State changed from committed to verified
We don't need this test for my it's ok to apply this patch
Repository June 29th, 2010 @ 04:57 PM
- State changed from verified to resolved
(from [78e4d88c7071c633ee1eb68f49b90719aa198eaa]) Rewrite the clause to pluck the existing value from zones_map before performing a lookup. [#4942 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: José Valim -
plind July 1st, 2010 @ 01:02 PM
Does this solve this problem: ?
Leigh Caplan July 23rd, 2010 @ 09:35 PM
@plind yes, sorry I didn't see this for a month. This resolves the issue.
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4942 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map [#4942]
4942 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map [#4942 state:committed]
4942 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map [#4942 state:committed]
4942 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map [#4942]
4942 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map
4942 ActiveSupport::TimeZone.[] incorrectly stores bogus values in zones_map (from [78e4d88c7071c633ee1eb68f49b90719aa198eaa]) Rewrite...