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ActiveRecord::Relation#empty? fails for grouped relations, as OrderedHash is missing #zero?
Reported by JonnieCache | October 17th, 2010 @ 04:32 PM | in 3.0.6
An activerecord relation with a GROUP BY
returns an OrderedHash
when its calculate
method is called, as documented at
When the query returns no results, calling count
it returns an empty OrderedHash
. However
, expecting a Number
. It in
fact gets the OrderedHash
NoMethodError: undefined method
zero?' for
#<OrderedHash {}>
Simplest thing would be to change the empty?
to be a bit more smart and check for an empty hash before calling
. A wider solution would be to implement
for OrderedHash.
My workaround right now is to call count.empty?
the relation object but this is ugly. It also only works if you
know that the relation object is definitely representing a
query that uses GROUP BY, if you dont know that for sure then you
have to put ugly conditional statements in because if
returns an integer, #empty?
obviously not be present. Goodbye model-agnostic partials.
Comments and changes to this ticket
Dalibor Filus January 8th, 2011 @ 01:44 PM
Today i came over this error too...
Using Rails 3.0.3, Ruby 1.8.7 Enterprise Edition# Showing /var/www/truhlari/app/views/articles/_detail.html.haml where line #103 raised: # undefined method `zero?' for #<OrderedHash {"570"=>1, "683"=>1, "551"=>1, "553"=>1}> # causing line in view: if # model: def more_articles ids = self.categories.collect(&:id).compact return self.class.scoped.joins("join e3_assocs on `item2_id` = `e3_models`.`id`").where("`item1_id` IN (#{ids.compact.join(',')})").group('`e3_models`.`id`') end
Calling .empty? instead of .any? does the same...
It seems to be solved for my case by using .select("DISTINCT()...")
But it would not be so easy-solvable for different code cases .. :/
mixr February 7th, 2011 @ 04:37 PM
This is quite annoying. But since most results are iterated over anyway, you could just use .to_a.empty? or .all.empty?:
(of course this is only sensible when limit() is involved)@articles ="publisher_id").limit(10).to_a.empty?
Not to speak of other problems with using count() on your ActiveRecord::Relation when limit() or offset() is involved.
You just cannot use a count/size on a scope and rely on the result.
for example see: -
gamov March 6th, 2011 @ 06:54 AM
Same issue for me with the following scope:
scope :quantity_for_bs, lambda {|bs_id|{ :joins => :shipment, :select => '*, SUM (quantity) as total_quantity', :group => :item_variant_id, :conditions => {:shipments => {:dest_site_id => bs_id}} }}
Then if I do
shi = ShippingItem.transiting.quantity_for_bs( shi.empty? # <- raises undefined method `zero?' for {}:ActiveSupport::OrderedHash
Interestingly, if I do shi.inspect in between the statements, then .empty? resolves correctly...
Dan Pickett March 12th, 2011 @ 05:01 PM
- State changed from new to open
- Milestone set to 3.0.6
- Importance changed from to Low
Chris Oliver has created a pull request that can help to resolve this issue:
Repository March 12th, 2011 @ 10:47 PM
- State changed from open to resolved
(from [3a22e744162ce4d29f228e76d3e3ff355c93b88f]) Fixed a bug when empty? was called on a grouped Relation that wasn't loaded
[#5829 state:resolved]
Chris Oliver March 12th, 2011 @ 10:48 PM
(from [015192560b7e81639430d7e46c410bf6a3cd9223]) Fixed a bug when empty? was called on a grouped Relation that wasn't loaded
[#5829 state:resolved]
Signed-off-by: Andrew White
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Referenced by
6564 undefined method `zero?' for #<OrderedHash {}> Turns out that this is a duplicate of #5829
6564 undefined method `zero?' for #<OrderedHash {}> I've added a note on #5829 referencing Chris' pull reques...
5829 ActiveRecord::Relation#empty? fails for grouped relations, as OrderedHash is missing #zero? [#5829 state:resolved]
5829 ActiveRecord::Relation#empty? fails for grouped relations, as OrderedHash is missing #zero? [#5829 state:resolved]