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method original_filename in UploadFile module is broken
Reported by Armando Di Cianno | July 30th, 2008 @ 11:48 PM | in 2.x
While persnickety, there is a flaw in the setter for original filename, in Rails 2.1.0, in an apache/passenger setup.
The filename on the next line:
for example, comes out as
Note that the leading space, and everything trailing the single-quote (at the double-quote position) is truncated.
We recently migrated from Mongrel, where we had hand-rolled our own upload filename grabber, to Passenger, and wanted to use the nice mod_upload_progress that exists out there. The code we used was /BAD/, but looked like this:
temp = e.split('=')
if temp[0] == "filename"
- remove begin/end double-quotes, without
- munging double-quotes in the filename
filename = temp[1].chomp().chop().reverse().chop().reverse()
puts "filename: #{filename}" if @debug
This preserved the filename perfectly -- we also later massaged out the IE full-path to get just the basename.
So, while filename that has all those characters is unlikely, it's indeed a valid filename, and should be preserved.
Comments and changes to this ticket
Armando Di Cianno July 31st, 2008 @ 09:04 PM
I've narrowed down the problem to line 596 in read_multipart in request.rb (same file as above method).
head =~ /Content-Disposition:.* filename=(?:"((?:\\.|[^\"]))"|([^;]))/ni
So, given
str = "Content-Disposition: filename=\" &;()<>|!{}[]'\"*?~\\$`.mpg\""
str =~ /Content-Disposition:.* filename=(?:"((?:\\.|[^\"]))"|([^;]))/ni
we get
>> $1
=> " &;()<>|!{}[]'"
>> $2
=> nil
josh November 22nd, 2008 @ 07:52 PM
- State changed from new to stale
Staling out, please let me know if its still an issue.
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