Hongli Lai
Failsafe middleware doesn't render 50... was created by Hongli Lai
Monday May 25
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#to_json not working because always being called on Object was updated by Hongli Lai
Sunday May 24
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AC::Request#content_type should return a string was updated by Hongli Lai
Sunday Apr 26
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Mysql::Error: SAVEPOINT active_record_1 does not exist: ROLLBACK TO SAVEPOINT active_record_1was updated by Hongli LaiTuesday Mar 24
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Setting a relative root URL via a web server not possible anymore was updated by Hongli Lai
Monday Mar 16
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Rails 2.2 auto source code reloading broken when using config.threadsafe!was updated by Hongli LaiMonday Feb 09
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Rails 2.2 auto source code reloading broken when using config.threadsafe!was updated by Hongli Lai 08:36 PM ticket -
PostgreSQL adapter and tests incorrectly detect 'postgres' driver was updated by Hongli Lai
Tuesday Jan 13
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PostgreSQL adapter and tests incorrec... was created by Hongli Lai 03:06 PM ticket
send_file(..., :xsendfile => true) sets ETag though it shouldn't was updated by Hongli Lai
Monday Dec 15