Ryan Bigg
Error when creating Hash from XML (Nokogiri fails, REXML OK)
was updated by Ryan Bigg
Thursday Apr 15
ticket - Code that depends on old MissingSourceFile breaks was updated by Ryan Bigg 10:32 PM ticket
Nested Transactions feature in Rails 2.3.2 depends on MySQL 5.x syntaxwas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:30 PM ticket -
Collection Root for Enumerable to_jsonwas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:28 PM ticket -
remote_function does not allow dynamically generation of urlwas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:27 PM ticket -
belongs to association eager/pre- load fails when foreign key is same as association namewas updated by Ryan Bigg 10:26 PM ticket - [PATCH] Add :touch option to has_many associations was updated by Ryan Bigg 03:26 PM ticket
rails/jquery-ujs links broken in IE; patch attachedwas updated by Ryan Bigg 02:43 PM ticket -
Yellow Pageswas updated by Ryan Bigg 02:06 PM ticket -
how to start Ruby on Rails from Initialwas updated by Ryan Bigg 01:37 PM ticket