Ryan Bigg
Optionally include copyright boilerplate in generated fileswas updated by Ryan BiggThursday Apr 15
ticket -
assert_valid is deprecated in unit tests but not in functional testswas updated by Ryan Bigg 12:46 PM ticket -
Association Collection Create Method Failingwas updated by Ryan Bigg 12:45 PM ticket -
Assigning nested attributes fails for new object when ID is specifiedwas updated by Ryan Bigg 11:53 AM ticket - Optionally include copyright boilerplate in generated files was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:04 AM ticket
after_destroy callback is not triggered in call to collection_singular_idwas updated by Ryan Bigg 11:03 AM ticket - Add first and last to OrderedHash was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:03 AM ticket
Application will die with syntax error when trying to define hyphenated resourceswas updated by Ryan Bigg 11:01 AM ticket - Optionally include copyright boilerplate in generated files was updated by Ryan Bigg 11:00 AM ticket
find_in_batches updates (+2 bugs)was updated by Ryan Bigg 01:43 AM ticket