John Pignata
[PATCH] Make has_one with :conditions hash scope build or creation of object with those conditions was updated by John Pignata
Saturday Sep 26
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dbconsole support password passing through /dev/fd/ was updated by John Pignata
Thursday Sep 24
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[PATCH] distance_of_time_in_words inaccurate for 'about 1 year ago' was updated by John Pignata
Friday Sep 18
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[PATCH] ActiveSupport::Memoizable - flush_cache fails for methods ending in ? was updated by John Pignata 04:12 AM ticket
Typo fix was updated by John Pignata 04:05 AM ticket
Nokogiri XmlMini backend doesn't prop... was created by John Pignata
Wednesday Sep 16
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ActiveSupport::Memoizable - flush_cache fails for methods ending in ? was updated by John Pignata
Friday Sep 04
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ActiveSupport::Memoizable - flush_cache fails for methods ending in ? was updated by John Pignata 10:30 PM ticket
distance_of_time_in_words inaccurate for 'about 1 year ago' was updated by John Pignata 05:50 PM ticket
rails 2.3 session_options[:id] problemwas updated by John PignataThursday Sep 03