John Pignata
[PATCH] ActiveRecord transaction sometimes throw the wrong exception was updated by John Pignata
Friday Jan 15
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[PATCH] Add a NullStore to ActiveSupport::Cache was updated by John Pignata
Monday Dec 21
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[PATCH] ActiveRecord transaction sometimes throw the wrong exception was updated by John Pignata
Friday Dec 18
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ActiveRecord transaction sometimes th... was created by John Pignata
Wednesday Dec 16
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[PATCH] Fix ActiveRecord test failing in CI under postgres was updated by John Pignata
Friday Dec 11
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[PATCH] Fix ActiveRecord test failing... was created by John Pignata
Saturday Dec 05
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Memoizable doesn't memoize overriden methods was updated by John Pignata
Monday Sep 28
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[PATCH] ActiveSupport::Memoizable - flush_cache fails for methods ending in ? was updated by John Pignata
Sunday Sep 27
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STI changes behavior depending on environment was updated by John Pignata 05:23 AM ticket
"bös".chars.reverse is "s̈ob" for decomposed string was updated by John Pignata 05:14 AM ticket