Andrea Campi
Allow Model to supply arguments to url_for in polymorphic_routes was updated by Andrea Campi
Saturday Oct 16
ticket -
Action Caching ignore response content type and request header was updated by Andrea Campi 10:59 PM ticket
cookies hash in ActionDispatch::TestProcess should be indifferent access was updated by Andrea Campi 09:35 PM ticket
time_select not interpreting the multi-parameter correctly was updated by Andrea Campi 09:24 PM ticket
json_escape eats away double quotes was updated by Andrea Campi 09:20 PM ticket
Calling a model "Update" leads to unexpected behavior was updated by Andrea Campi 08:47 PM ticket
time_select not interpreting the multi-parameter correctly was updated by Andrea Campi 08:46 PM ticket
AbstractController#asset_path overrides routes helper was updated by Andrea Campi 08:26 PM ticket
'increment' and 'decrement' for ActiveRecord::Relation was updated by Andrea Campi 08:25 PM ticket
time_select not interpreting the multi-parameter correctly was updated by Andrea Campi 08:17 PM ticket