Andrea Campi
edge rails sends include to uninitialized constant Rack::Session::Abstract::SessionHash was updated by Andrea Campi
Monday Oct 11
ticket -
Reloading a new record results in an inconsistent state was updated by Andrea Campi 07:34 AM ticket
[PATCH] define_schema for Active Resourcewas updated by Andrea Campi 07:25 AM ticket -
Inconsistency with cattr_reader/mattr_readerwas updated by Andrea Campi 07:25 AM ticket -
RAILS_ROOT occurrenceswas updated by Andrea Campi 07:25 AM ticket -
[PATCH] ActiveModel::Errors minor bugfix and fully tested its API was updated by Andrea Campi 07:25 AM ticket
rack.input requires ASCII-8BIT encoded StringIO was updated by Andrea Campi 07:24 AM ticket
[PATCH] Exception.subclasses fails with syntax error was updated by Andrea Campi 07:24 AM ticket
integration test fails on complex forms updating multiple modelswas updated by Andrea Campi 07:24 AM ticket -
Wrong references in the comments of AS::Dependencies pointing to watch_moduleswas updated by Andrea Campi 07:24 AM ticket