Andrea Campi
Protocol-relative URLs was updated by Andrea Campi
Saturday Oct 09
ticket -
HashWithIndifferentAccess should override #store was updated by Andrea Campi 06:34 PM ticket
json_escape eats away double quotes was updated by Andrea Campi 06:15 PM ticket
built polymorphic association incorrectly returns nil for associated record was updated by Andrea Campi 06:05 PM ticket
Module table_name_prefix not respected for using set_table_name was updated by Andrea Campi 05:52 PM ticket
adding options to erb scaffold generator to include or skip custom views / templates was updated by Andrea Campi 05:24 PM ticket
[PATCH] asset_path_template left over in example was updated by Andrea Campi 11:15 AM ticket
Problems with scaffolding of subclasses was updated by Andrea Campi
Friday Oct 08
ticket -
AbstractController#asset_path overrides routes helper was updated by Andrea Campi 04:02 PM ticket
Strange behaviour in exception displaywas updated by Andrea Campi 03:57 PM ticket