Rohit Arondekar
A bug in ActionView::Helpers::SanitizeHelper.strip_tags was updated by Rohit Arondekar
Sunday Jun 20
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problem can find index in my system was updated by Rohit Arondekar 10:58 AM ticket
Inflector.constantize uses eval which is slow in JRuby and Ruby 1.9 was updated by Rohit Arondekar 03:59 AM ticket
[PATCH] Pass rack the absolute path of server's pid filewas updated by Rohit Arondekar 03:56 AM ticket -
[PATCH] Migrations with Improper Names Generate Invalid Code was updated by Rohit Arondekar 03:34 AM ticket
Ticket Assignment was edited by Rohit Arondekar 02:42 AM page
Errors in test suite under 1.8.6-p399 related to Mocha?was updated by Rohit ArondekarSaturday Jun 19
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Rails test file debugging in Komodo doesn't work when ruby-debug is installed was updated by Rohit Arondekar 05:16 PM ticket
respond_to rails 2.3.2 brokenwas updated by Rohit Arondekar 05:12 PM ticket -
Autolink hyperlinks links that are already hyperlinked was updated by Rohit Arondekar 11:49 AM ticket