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Returning Block on Association Extension Causes Proxy Owner To Load Target
Reported by Ken Collins | August 13th, 2008 @ 06:30 PM | in 2.x
If this were a bug that could be fixed I'd take a stab at the tests, but I pretty much doubt that it is. So this ticket is more of a warning to others. I have found that using a returning block inside of an association extension causes the proxy owner to load the target. I came across this bug in 1.2.6 and see that the same results happen in 2.1. Here is some code that demonstrates the issue.
Because our production app uses a good deal of association extensions and there is a lot of data, this started to really affect performance. If any things this can be accounted for either in the implementation of returning and/or the association proxy classes, please let me know and I can take a stab at a test.
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :articles, :extend => FooBarReturning
module FooBarReturning
def foo
c = build
def bar
returning c = build do
# SELECT * FROM "articles" WHERE ("columns".user_id = 1)
def returning
returning build do |c|
# SELECT * FROM "articles" WHERE ("columns".user_id = 1)
class User < ActiveRecord::Base
has_many :articles do
def foo_bar_returning
returning c = build do
# SELECT * FROM "articles" WHERE ("columns".user_id = 1)
Comments and changes to this ticket
Ken Collins August 13th, 2008 @ 06:35 PM
I forgot to mention that if you used the returning block inside of a controller (just anywhere outside of an association extension) that the SQL is just fine. The issue only seems to be when using the returning block in an association extensions.
ALSO, I have a type above... my example association method that shows that either use of returning should have been as follows.
module FooBarReturning def foo_bar_returning returning build do |c| # SELECT * FROM "articles" WHERE ("columns".user_id = 1) end end end
Frederick Cheung August 13th, 2008 @ 09:09 PM
returning is a method activesupport adds to Object, so it's available everywhere. Except on an association proxy, because association proxies undef all their methods (so that they filter through to the target), including returning.
With returning you don't care who you call returning on though, so something like
Object.returning build do |c| ... end
Seing as returning doesn't depending on who its called on (it's just injected everywhere for convenience), arguably you could just not undef it.
Ken Collins August 13th, 2008 @ 09:15 PM
Not sure what you are saying... returning works in the association extension but it just has ILL EFFECTS of loading the target. I am pretty sure Object.returning does the same.
Frederick Cheung August 13th, 2008 @ 09:18 PM
because returning is undeffed on the proxy, it has to load the array in order to call it. By calling it on Object you avoid that (the choice of Object is arbitrary). try it.
josh November 22nd, 2008 @ 07:25 PM
- State changed from new to wontfix
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