Dan Pickett
.select and :select in AR does not work correctly with an array was updated by Dan Pickett
Sunday May 09
ticket -
ActionMailer::Base incompatible with Rack::Test::Methods was updated by Dan Pickett 06:37 PM ticket
ActiveSupport #to_json doesn't work with DM was updated by Dan Pickett 06:36 PM ticket
Rake tasks for run engine migrations was updated by Dan Pickett 06:30 PM ticket
Warn when parameters to functional test requests have improper values was updated by Dan Pickett 06:29 PM ticket
URL Generation for routes that point to a Rack application include the controller and action parameters was updated by Dan Pickett 06:27 PM ticket
URL Generation for routes that point to a Rack application include the controller and action parameters was updated by Dan Pickett 06:27 PM ticket
Unit test fails when using non-standard table names was updated by Dan Pickett 06:26 PM ticket
assert_select doesn't work with utf-8 on Ruby 1.9.2 was updated by Dan Pickett 06:25 PM ticket
[PATCH] sqlite3 adapter drops :decimal columns precision & scale when migration tries to alter them was updated by Dan Pickett 06:23 PM ticket