Dan Pickett
protect_from_forgery :except override in individual controllers isn't working in rails 3pre
was updated by Dan Pickett
Sunday May 09
ticket - Nested child only updates if parent changes. was updated by Dan Pickett 06:19 PM ticket
- [PATCH] ActionController::Integration::Session no longer mangles multiparameter attribute params when processing multipart requests was updated by Dan Pickett 06:17 PM ticket
- Add an option to omit the creation of hidden field with object id when using fields_for was updated by Dan Pickett 06:17 PM ticket
- ActiveResource::CustomMethods#put should behave like #post for body encoding was updated by Dan Pickett 06:15 PM ticket
- ActiveResource should use to_param to generate routes was updated by Dan Pickett 06:14 PM ticket
- support of html Attributes for options_for_select was updated by Dan Pickett 06:13 PM ticket
- ActionMailer <% if -%> inside <% for -%> was updated by Dan Pickett 06:09 PM ticket
- form_for doesn't work wit was updated by Dan Pickett 06:03 PM ticket
- Move scoping out of ActiveRecord::Base was updated by Dan Pickett 06:02 PM ticket