Dan Pickett
ActiveResource errors.from_xml Can't handle symboled attribute keys because of humanize call
was updated by Dan Pickett
Saturday Aug 08
ticket - after_create callback not working as it should was updated by Dan Pickett 08:36 PM ticket
- polymorphic_url gives incorrect url for :has_one nested resource was updated by Dan Pickett 08:25 PM ticket
- Using redirect_to with params merge of protocol doesn't take effect was updated by Dan Pickett 08:16 PM ticket
- Rails 2.3.x - "render :text => proc" - problems with output buffer was updated by Dan Pickett 08:09 PM ticket
- Enumerable#sum not called on some association collections was updated by Dan Pickett 08:01 PM ticket
- Primary key on HABTM join table now raises an exception was updated by Dan Pickett 07:57 PM ticket
- Patch to fix broken HTTP Digest Authentication was updated by Dan Pickett 07:44 PM ticket
- [PATCH] Add methods on active record to denote whether any associated objects exist for that association was updated by Dan Pickett 07:27 PM ticket
- [Patch] --skip-helper for controller ... was created by Dan Pickett 07:11 PM ticket