Actionpack 2.3.5 gemspec and Rack requirement don't match was updated by Bastes
Sunday May 16
ticket -
Generator::Commands::Create#file git broken with app generator was updated by Bastes 05:19 PM ticket
Unit test fails when using non-standard table names was updated by Bastes 04:55 PM ticket
Reloading a new record results in an inconsistent state was updated by Bastes 04:05 PM ticket
Eager Loading With :limit Returns Wrong Result Set (MySQL) was updated by Bastes 03:26 PM ticket
Test suite is using assert many times when should be used assert_equal was updated by Bastes 03:08 PM ticket
Unit test fails when using non-standard table names was updated by Bastes 03:04 PM ticket
expires_now broken was updated by Bastes 02:56 PM ticket
Test suite is using assert many times when should be used assert_equal was updated by Bastes 01:59 PM ticket
Hash#index is deprecated at 'rake routes' was updated by Bastes 01:25 PM ticket