Elad Meidar
was updated by Elad Meidar
Monday Aug 10
ticket - ActiveSupport::Multibyte::Chars was updated by Elad Meidar 02:59 AM ticket
- Confusing behavior with attr_readonly was updated by Elad Meidar 01:13 AM ticket
- Confusing behavior with attr_readonly was updated by Elad Meidar 01:13 AM ticket
- url_for ignores routing priority was updated by Elad Meidar 12:55 AM ticket
- has_one :through not working? was updated by Elad Meidar 12:45 AM ticket
- drop_table to support temporary option like create_table was updated by Elad Meidar 12:40 AM ticket
counter_cache not decrementing on deletewas updated by Elad Meidar 12:30 AM ticket - has_one :through not working? was updated by Elad Meidar 12:21 AM ticket
"bös".chars.reverse is "s̈ob" for decomposed stringwas updated by Elad Meidar 12:05 AM ticket