Elad Meidar
Enumerable#sum not called on some association collections was updated by Elad Meidar
Sunday Aug 09
ticket -
.:format feature breaks URL compliance (rfc1738) - should be optional was updated by Elad Meidar 03:31 PM ticket
[PATCH] Make path to tmp directory configurable was updated by Elad Meidar 05:25 AM ticket
Patch to fix broken HTTP Digest Authentication was updated by Elad Meidar 04:18 AM ticket
json validations errors for ActiveResource was updated by Elad Meidar 04:03 AM ticket
ActiveResource load method dies on Array contains Numeric elements was updated by Elad Meidar 03:37 AM ticket
Unabled to flush memoized values for private methods was updated by Elad Meidar 03:18 AM ticket
[PATCH] Ability to set SSL options on ActiveResource connections was updated by Elad Meidar 03:08 AM ticket
[PATCH] ActionView::TextHelper Graceful Truncate was updated by Elad Meidar 03:04 AM ticket
serialize fails when :null => false was updated by Elad Meidar 02:51 AM ticket