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Query: milestone:3.0
Command: milestone:id#88038
October 15th, 2010 @ 11:01 PM
Created by Jeremy Kemper
Completed on October 15th, 2010 @ 11:11 PM
Displaying tickets 601 - 682 of 682 in total
Strange character in WEBrick output - LogTailer gets out of sync with log file -
using 'find_or_create_by' with multiple attributes through an association -
print stack traces with deprecation warnings -
ActiveRecord::Relation#scope_for_create wrongly merges other table's conditions having same attribute name -
ShowExceptions middleware causes TypeError while logging a template error -
ActiveRecord::StatementInvalid: Mysql::Error: MySQL server has gone away -
Cannot override helpers generated by routes - #5247 [PATCH] assert_template wrong behavior for testing layout used to render template?
active_record does not follow active_model specs for #to_key -
rake test:units and test:functionals -
Rails 3RC's ActiveModel#as_json outputs array of message instead of hash of columns and messages -
'rails destroy scaffold' broke routes.rb -
Touch does not propagate anymore -
better error messages when incorrect regexp is passed to constraints in routes -
wrong message used in validates_length_of -
ActiveRecord::Base.abstract_class? should return false not nil -
Rails3 RC - Associations (has_one, has_many) does not work with models that are based on database views. -
Rails3 RC - Application hangs randomly when server running in test environment -
Fresh app won't run tests - uninitialized constant Rails::DeprecatedConstant::ActiveSupport -
Rails 3 RC: app template Gemfile contains misspelled skip_active_record option -
RESTful routes don't take symbol for the :path option anymore -
update_attribute regression -
:limit + :offset incompatibility between SQLite and Postgres -
missing model require statement in json serialization tests -
The "columns" method in ActiveRecord::ConnectionAdapters::QueryCache module calls an inexistent "args" argument -
AssociationCollection#include? ignoring build associated objects (not working in Rails 3) -
Visibility of helpers seems all wrong -
as_json should return a hash for ActiveModel/ActiveRecord objects -
column_definitions method being called before and after every single SQL statement on PostgreSQL -
NoMethodError on formats= when using ActionController::TestCase to test a direct subclass of ActionController::Metal -
Routing problem in rails 3 rc -
STI slow, result of ActiveRecord#find_sti_class should be cached! -
[Rails 3] Routes redirect method bug with https -
Show route is matched instead of edit if resource :id regexp is greedy - #5419 after_validation callbacks are no longer executed if validation fails in rails3
Merging "order" clauses from default_scope and regular scope -
defining subdomain constraints in router with various TLD lengths -
Rails 3 RC Routing: resource member routes lack defaults -
User mysql2 taked uninitialized constant Mysql error. -
RC2: Functional tests fail when they generate a route before calling an action -
[Patch] ActiveRecord::Timestamp#touch still fails when no updated_at/on column is present -
ActiveRecord::record_timestamps broken in RC2 (regression from RC1) -
[PATCH] ActiveRecord::Calculations#count doesn't allow table names in column_name argument -
Model.has_many_through_association.find(id) returns a read-only record -
Rails info route appears in rake routes -
Arel/AR prepending 'AND' unconditionally after newlines in string literals in RC2 - #5472 Potentially resolved… Callback API change breaks #run_callbacks
Arel won't let ActiveRecord query against tables that have columns it doesn't know how to handle -
Postgres and Sqlite3 no longer able to map to database views -
Inconsistent behavior using "order" in scopes -
Allow dynamic cache stores -
Default scope and class reloading -
rake db:create problem in rails3 with mysql2 -
Problems with POSIX character classes as routing constraints -
Nested resource constraints are applied incorrectly -
After update to Rails 3.0.0 release, serialization seems to be broken? - #5528 scopes using `reorder` don't override `default_scope` order
capture helper assumes that text is html_safe -
[PATCH] Fix 'warning: method redefined' in attr_accessor_with_default for ruby 1.9.2 -
typo "crytographically" -
[PATCH] Fix i18n scope bug when class belongs to a module - #5578 AbstractController#asset_path overrides routes helper
Rails3 - accepts_nested_attributes_for reject_if option does not work. -
Rails(on rack) customize reqeust parameters raise error - #5588 Integrate support for Dalli
active_support/cache/file_store.rb is this correct? -
'increment' and 'decrement' for ActiveRecord::Relation -
head method attempts to camelcase headers -
after_filter not halted -
callbacks execution order reversed in after_* -
cannot test a controller action for a route defined with match -
Rails runner help message is sent to stderr instead of stdout - #5663 Route generation error with :defaults and :via options
[] should be escaped in urls -
add has_many test for #5579 case -
remove_index silently fails when passed a symbol as the index name -
Rails 3.0.0 creates directories in --pretend mode [ minor bug ] -
rake db:create ignore encoding when use postgres -
count with group by discards :distinct option -
Unable to bundle rails from 3-0-stable -
Add magic encoding comment to generated files -
HashWithIndifferentAccess should override #store
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